Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The other day
as i lay drowning
in the waves of grass
which surrounded me
a tiny grasshopper
an itsy-bitsy lemon-lime grasshopper
sporting stripes of lavender
hopped right up on my nose, he did and said, “Hey!
What’re you doing?
You can’t just go around
drowning yourself
when things look bad!”
Then he started telling me
about the Big Bang
and how the universe is expanding
but one day it’s gonna
collapse in on itself
except scientists really don’t know crap
cause there is a God
and if I drown myself now
the G-man upstairs’ll be real upset
but then he stopped talking
cause I told him to shut-up
“Fine!,” he said, “Go on,
drown yourself, whatever floats your boat, pal!
But don’t expect me to explain your epitaph!”
he had a point
whoever heard of someone
drowning in waves
of grass!
Then i put my arm around the sun
and we laughed
all night long.


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