The Ache of Longing
of sunshiny days
are fleeting
they pass
in a blur of ecstatic haste
and they leave behind
the bitter taste of
The touch
once remembered
so familiar
has lost its’ anchor
its’ tether nebulous
Letting go
merely two words
meaningless well-meaning
but the task?
I search for you
in the nooks and crannies
of what remains
to find you
to hold you near to me
once again
Hoping - always
that you knew know
feel felt
my love
because it is was always
as the hurt I feel
the ache inside me
the pain that I bury
the memories I revisit
the regrets I bury
I miss the moments
I missed
I see the time
for the sand that it is was
always has been
And I know where wisdom lives
buried in the tears
of the sorrowful
in the remorse
if the guilty
in the love
of mom and dad
My soul is become
at once
pensive and restless
teetering on the precipice
of the nether
sniffing the ether for clues
searching for a place
between here and gone
between heaven and earth
I see you
in the eyes of my children
in the songs we sang
and I try to rejoice
for the lessons I’ve learned
the hope
that the me that I am
is the proud that you were
But it’s always
in the still of the night
when the moon glows brightly
through the blinds
that I long to hear your voice
to listen to the advice
I ignored
to cherish
everything I took for granted
I breath deeply
I close my eyes
and there is your smile
and I remember
the happiest days I’ve known
because you were there
to share them.